
Les Revenants – atmospheric and riveting

A couple of years back, Canal+ released a French TV drama called ‘Les Revenants’, english title being ‘The Returned’. Although it was a huge hit in France, it took a while before it was recognised elsewhere, but when it did, it didn’t take long until there was an American remake on the way… no surprise. […]


“We’re not bad people…” – Bloodline

With TV shows such as ‘House of Cards’ and ‘Orange is the New Black’, Netflix have managed to create their own successes in addition to providing its subscribers with other shows and movies. Although I still have some catching up to do on ‘House of Cards’, it only took me a week to finish off […]


A couple of favorite Sorkin characters

If you’re a TV fan, Aaron Sorkin is a name you probably recognize. He wrote the hit TV series ‘The West Wing’ (1999-2006), and also wrote the screenplay for the Facebook movie ‘The Social Network’ and the baseball movie ‘Moneyball’. His latest TV show ‘The Newsroom’ recently aired its final episode, and though far from a perfect […]


The Affair – dangerously charming

As I read the news that Ruth Wilson (‘Luther’) and Dominic West (‘The Wire’ and ‘The Hour’) teamed up in a TV series together, I immediately started looking forward to it. Not a lot was revealed regarding the plot of the show before it started, and even 7 episodes in, a lot of questions remain unanswered in […]