
“We’re not bad people…” – Bloodline

With TV shows such as ‘House of Cards’ and ‘Orange is the New Black’, Netflix have managed to create their own successes in addition to providing its subscribers with other shows and movies. Although I still have some catching up to do on ‘House of Cards’, it only took me a week to finish off the entire first season of ‘Bloodline’, the latest TV show created by Netflix. And if you haven’t already checked it out, here’s a few reasons why you should spend this Easter with the Rayburn family in Florida…

Kyle Chandler and Ben Mendelsohn in 'Bloodline'
Kyle Chandler and Ben Mendelsohn in ‘Bloodline’


The creators

Glen Kessler, Todd. A Kessler and Daniel Zelman are back… the last show they created together is one of my favorite shows, ‘Damages’, and there 3 gentlemen are the main reason I logged on to Netflix on the first day it was released to check it out. As they did in ‘Damages’, the story plays with time, and in ‘Bloodline’ we’re told both of things in the past and the future, and it’s done to perfection, always keeping you curious and anxious to know what the hell is actually going to happen. I’ve been waiting for a long time for the guys behind ‘Damages’ to come back… and they did not disappoint.


The first episode

The first episode both introduces the viewer to a great cast, a couple of hints about what is to happen, beautiful scenes from Florida and one of the best pilot closing scenes I can remember seeing. I’d love to see someone watch the pilot and not want to see where the show keeps going… Although a story about a powerful family with dark secrets have been done plenty of times before, ‘Bloodline’ manages to bring something fresh to the screen.

Ben Mendelsohn and Sissy Spacek with a heart to heart on the porch
Ben Mendelsohn and Sissy Spacek with a heart to heart on the porch

Ben Mendelsohn & co

Ben Mendelsohn is a great actor, and in ‘Bloodline’ he is perfect as Danny, the troubled son/brother returning home after time away. His parents and his siblings are all about to celebrate the family hotel’s 40 year anniversary, when Danny, the oldest of the 4 shows up and quickly stirs things up. The rest of the cast are solid as well, but Ben Mendelsohn truly shines. Kyle Chandler, Linda Cardellini, Sissy Spacek, Jamie McShane, Enrique Murciano, Chlöe Sevigny and Sam Shepard are also at the top of their game.

The questions and the drama

As in ‘Damages’, there are plenty of questions being asked throughout the series. Questions of morale, of family ties and of allegiance. The show is both a family drama, a crime noir story and a study of morale and guilt.


I watched the whole thing in one week, and I’d have watched it even faster if I’d had the time… I suggest you check it out as well.

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